Now more than ever, we need your support

Masakhane ECD and Development Centre takes care of and feeds orphans and vulnerable children. We operate in a semi urban area where most of the residents are unemployed, infected with HIV/AIDS and come from a disadvantage background.

94% of our enrolments struggle to pay the monthly school fees that we aim to charge but we try not to turn anyone away. The centre however finds it very difficult to deliver its feeding scheme designed to help give the children the food energy they need to concentrate, develop and be productive.

As an educational institution, that also provides physical, emotional and mental stimulation programs to children, we really need financial assistance that would see us meet the basic requirements – water and nutrition – of the children, while they receive appropriate educational development to get them ready for their Primary School level education.

Our operation was seriously affected by the Corona virus pandemic because we lost donors that used to support us financially, and with donations in kind.

We are urgently seeking any kind of assistance we may get as a non-profit organisation to continue raising these children and our future leaders.

Our finances are overseen by an independent body – RedPepper Mergers – to make sure that all funds received are spent on the designated programs. Please contact Kenneth von Rausch ( should you need information about the governance measures which have been put in place.



Please donate and join us in changing lives and restoring hope for these children and our future generation’s adults.